Connectivity and CCTV Upgrade

Connectivity and CCTV Upgrade at a prominent Midlands Industrial Park

Connectivity and CCTV Upgrade

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The project

Size: 240,000+ sqft (across multiple units) on a ~5 acre site
Location: Birmingham
Service: Procurement Support and Connectivity Building Audit Module

The asset

This prominent industrial park in the Midlands offers multiple Class B2 and B8 units with associated offices, and prides itself on its environmental sustainability initiatives and wellbeing features.


The challenge

Our client’s challenge was twofold.


Firstly, they knew they needed to upgrade their connectivity across the site due to the old ADSL line still being used.



Secondly, the CCTV across the site needed upgrading due to blind spots, rising costs and compliance requirements.


As the CCTV upgrade required a certain level of connectivity, it made sense to address both challenges at once.


Our solution

Building Audit Connectivity Module

The first step was to carry out the Connectivity module of our Building Audit tool to ascertain the current situation; the existing technology, the current processes in place and the people using and administrating the service on site.

The Building Audit Connectivity Module results highlighted the challenges for future solutions, leading us to recommend a Wireless repeater service as the best connectivity option moving forward.

One, because of the requirements from the service, two, because the laying new lines across the site as a solution to replace the old ADSL lines was going to be extremely costly, mainly due to the civil works required to replace very long cable runs.


Connectivity Procurement and Implementation

We embarked on a procurement exercise for a wireless repeater provider and implemented the chosen solution on site. It was more cost effective, provided a reliable solution, and was far less disruptive to the current tenants.


CCTV System Procurement

Once the connectivity base for a new CCTV system was in place, we ran a second procurement exercise for a CCTV provider who could work with us, and the client, to properly plan the site to ensure blind spots were eliminated.

We moved the existing cameras from a On-Prem to an IP cloud based system, enabling the client to monitor from the cloud via a third party. This also allowed for remote tours and evidence-based checking.

Using a remote 3rd party and an IP based system, as opposed to relying on one or two individuals, not only gave our client the support of a whole team of remote agents, it also based on calculation of 7 to 7 security coverage, gave an annual ROI of 60%.

Image: Stock Image, point3D Commercial Imaging Ltd

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