Eversheds Sutherland
Portfolio of 11 buildings totalling 500,000 sq ft

Clients & accreditations

The project
Where: National
Size: Portfolio of 11 buildings totalling 500,000sqft
Client: Eversheds Sutherland
Landlord: Various
Managing Agent: Various
Service: PropTech Procurement
The challenge
Eversheds Sutherland have a complex office portfolio which is managed internally. As part of the businesses drive for reduction in energy and carbon emissions, it was integral that the Scope 3 emissions data from the real estate they occupy is accurate and available on demand. Having requested access to this data across their UK portfolio they received inconsistent reporting data from each of the buildings, making the process of manual reporting time-consuming and potentially inaccurate for the business.
The Solution
Trustek were appointed to complete an AMR procurement for their national portfolio on Evershed Sutherlands behalf, engaging with both companies that were already known to the business and recommending additional companies for their consideration.
The Value
Through competitive procurement, Trustek were able to find a provider that was able to deliver against the internal data requirements at 70% lower cost than the highest bid received, without compromising the technology available to the business.
Trustek look forward to seeing the savings that have been achieved by Eversheds Sutherland.
“Trustek helped expedited the procurement process, provided detailed information and comparison between the products to help us select a provider that can centralise the data across the buildings we currently occupy.
This has significantly reduced the internal manual data collection and our reliance on the managing agents to provide us with this data. This aligns with Evershed Sutherlands pursuit to continually optimise our office portfolio and reduce carbon consumption in line with our ESG strategy.”